A large variety of digital (e-learning) and traditional resources for GCSE and A Level PE for all exam boards, as well as resources for BTEC Sport Level 3.
A large variety of digital (e-learning) and traditional resources for GCSE and A Level PE for all exam boards, as well as resources for BTEC Sport Level 3.
More than 250 questions on power point slides to get your students really thinking! Perfect as a stand alone starter activity, or to lead into the main theme of your lesson. These questions don't have a 'right' or 'wrong' answer, per se, You can present them to your students to see what they think and challenge them to justify their thinking - perfect for developing reasoning skills and arguing for or against a point of view. A really useful alternative to asking recall questions which only assess students' memory - these questions will draw out their deeper thinking. Suitable for all levels.
Do your students know the key terms to each topic on their course? Can they explain what each key term means and how to use it accurately and appropriately?
Here’s a set of over 70 key terms on training and exercise (PowerPoint and PDF) to aid teaching and learning.
Either project them on your whiteboard for whole class activities, or print them and laminate them for use in a variety of different ways in small group, pair work and individual activities.
A simple resource - but essential!
Do your students know the key terms to each topic on their course? Can they explain what each key term means and how to use it accurately and appropriately?
Here’s a set of 40 key terms on diet and nutrition (PowerPoint and PDF) to aid teaching and learning.
Either project them on your whiteboard for whole class activities, or print them and laminate them for use in a variety of different ways in small group, pair work and individual activities.
A simple resource - but essential!
Do your students know the key terms to each topic on their course? Can they explain what each key term means and how to use it accurately and appropriately?
Here’s a set of key terms on performance enhancing drugs (PowerPoint and PDF) to aid teaching and learning.
Either project them on your whiteboard for whole class activities, or print them and laminate them for use in a variety of different ways in small group, pair work and individual activities.
A simple resource - but essential!
A great set of dominoes on training and exercise!
Brilliant for collaborative learning! Here's a versatile resource that allows you to print a number of domino style cards on topics to do with training & exercise. Have your students work together in small groups in order to complete the domino circle. Then check their answers and understanding by projecting the power point dominoes onto the whiteboard.
Great formative assessment for learning activity - you can really see what your students understand and where they need more guidance. Set two of three.
A great set of dominoes on training and exercise!
Brilliant for collaborative learning! Here's a versatile resource that allows you to print a number of domino style cards on topics to do with training & exercise. Have your students work together in small groups in order to complete the domino circle. Then check their answers and understanding by projecting the power point dominoes onto the whiteboard.
Great formative assessment for learning activity - you can really see what your students understand and where they need more guidance. Set one of three.
An interactive set of flashcards on the components of fitness.
Perfect for presenting key concepts to your students as a whole class activity and for personalised learning for each of your students. These flashcards, created on PowerPoint, give complete control of the learning to the user:
- Simply select a concept from the home slide
- At the destination slide, choose the 'show/hide term' button to reveal the key term
- Choose the 'show/hide description' button to reveal the description
- Choose 'next slide' to navigate randomly to another interactive flashcard
-Select 'previous slide' to view the slide you were on before the current slide
- The 'home' button takes you back to the main slide where you can choose to navigate to another concept
I've successfully used these interactive flashcards for a number of years and I've found them so useful for presenting new material as well as for reviewing knowledge and understanding. As well as using them for whole class activities, I distribute them to my students through Showbie to their tablets so that they can interact with the cards at their own speed and outside of the classroom. They need to be viewed on Microsoft's PowerPoint app which is free from both the App Store and Google Play. Enjoy!
Do your students find it hard to distinguish between similar concepts?
This set of 40 'What's the difference between?' flashcards on the cardiovascular system allows your students to grapple with concepts such as the differences between the blood vessels, the differences in the roles of the cardiovascular system, the differences in blood pressure and the differences between the various heart rates, to name just a few.
You can use these question cards when you introduce the cardiovascular system to gauge the level of students' prior knowledge. Equally, they can be used during the learning of the topic and afterwards to assess knowledge and understanding. They're also great for interactive revision.
They can be projected on your whiteboard for whole class interaction or printed out (in various different sizes, in black & white as well as colour) and used as a learning resource by individual students or small groups. Why not display them on your classroom wall, in the PE corridor, in the sports hall or in the changing rooms? There's plenty of scope to use these cards creatively to the benefit of your students.
A comprehensive set of over 70 questions and answers on psychological factors to challenge all ability levels.
Printable (on PowerPoint) so that they can be used in a variety of activities from group work matching the correct answer to the question; exam style questions; to check knowledge and understanding as well as for starters and plenaries.
Questions include; guidance, skill classification, aggression, arousal, anxiety, feedback, personality.
Also suitable for AS and A level.
Do your students know the key terms to each topic on their course? Can they explain what each key term means and how to use it accurately and appropriately?
Here’s a set of over 40 key terms on the components of fitness (PowerPoint and PDF) to aid teaching and learning.
Either project them on your whiteboard for whole class activities, or print them and laminate them for use in a variety of different ways in small group, pair work and individual activities.
A simple resource - but essential!
Match Up! is a fun interactive activity based on the game pelmanism where your students have to correctly match up the term with the corresponding description.
These sets on training, created on PowerPoint, can be used as a whole class activity on an interactive whiteboard or distributed to students so that they can play this game on their tablets. Ideal for personalised learning!
You can distribute this set to your students on Showbie and it can be opened on the PowerPoint app (free) from the App store and Google Play.
Saving you precious time! Want to create a deck of flashcards? All the work's been done for you!
Simply upload these 46 terms and descriptions on the components of fitness onto your favourite flashcard site and create a private class for you students. Students can then study these terms and descriptions on their smart phone and tablets anytime, anywhere.
Perfect for Quizlet and Memrise.
An interactive set of flashcards on the cardiovascular system.
Perfect for presenting key concepts to your students as a whole class activity and for personalised learning for each of your students. These flashcards, created on PowerPoint, give complete control of the learning to the user:
- Simply select a concept from the home slide
- At the destination slide, choose the 'show/hide term' button to reveal the key term
- Choose the 'show/hide description' button to reveal the description
- Choose 'next slide' to navigate randomly to another interactive flashcard
-Select 'previous slide' to view the slide you were on before the current slide
- The 'home' button takes you back to the main slide where you can choose to navigate to another concept
I've successfully used these interactive flashcards for a number of years and I've found them so useful for presenting new material as well as for reviewing knowledge and understanding. As well as using them for whole class activities, I distribute them to my students through Showbie to their tablets so that they can interact with the cards at their own speed and outside of the classroom. They need to be viewed on Microsoft's PowerPoint app which is free from both the App Store and Google Play. Enjoy!
An interactive set of flashcards on diet and nutrition.
Perfect for presenting key concepts to your students as a whole class activity and for personalised learning for each of your students. These flashcards, created on PowerPoint, give complete control of the learning to the user:
- Simply select a concept from the home slide
- At the destination slide, choose the 'show/hide term' button to reveal the key term
- Choose the 'show/hide description' button to reveal the description
- Choose 'next slide' to navigate randomly to another interactive flashcard
-Select 'previous slide' to view the slide you were on before the current slide
- The 'home' button takes you back to the main slide where you can choose to navigate to another concept
I've successfully used these interactive flashcards for a number of years and I've found them so useful for presenting new material as well as for reviewing knowledge and understanding. As well as using them for whole class activities, I distribute them to my students through Showbie to their tablets so that they can interact with the cards at their own speed and outside of the classroom. They need to be viewed on Microsoft's PowerPoint app which is free from both the App Store and Google Play. Enjoy!
An interactive set of flashcards on training and exercise - set 1 of 2.
Perfect for presenting key concepts to your students as a whole class activity and for personalised learning for each of your students. These flashcards, created on PowerPoint, give complete control of the learning to the user:
- Simply select a concept from the home slide
- At the destination slide, choose the 'show/hide term' button to reveal the key term
- Choose the 'show/hide description' button to reveal the description
- Choose 'next slide' to navigate randomly to another interactive flashcard
-Select 'previous slide' to view the slide you were on before the current slide
- The 'home' button takes you back to the main slide where you can choose to navigate to another concept
I've successfully used these interactive flashcards for a number of years and I've found them so useful for presenting new material as well as for reviewing knowledge and understanding. As well as using them for whole class activities, I distribute them to my students through Showbie to their tablets so that they can interact with the cards at their own speed and outside of the classroom. They need to be viewed on Microsoft's PowerPoint app which is free from both the App Store and Google Play. Enjoy!
Do your students know the key terms to each topic on their course?
Can they explain what each key term means and how to use it accurately and appropriately?
Here’s a set of 45 key terms on personality (PowerPoint and PDF) to aid teaching and learning.
Either project them on your whiteboard for whole class activities, or print them and laminate them for use in a variety of different ways in small group, pair work and individual activities.
A simple resource - but essential!
AQA GCSE PE: Revision Worksheets - Skeletal System
Calling all PE teachers! Do you want to help your students achieve their best in the AQA GCSE PE exams? Look no further than these AQA GCSE PE worksheets!
The worksheets are specifically designed to support your students in their revision journey, providing a focused and structured approach to studying each topic in the AQA GCSE PE specification. With a worksheet for every topic, you can be confident that your students will have all the information they need to succeed.
Each worksheet tells your students exactly what they need to know and revise, ensuring that they are fully prepared for their exams. With these revision worksheets, you’ll be able to help your students streamline their revision process and make the most of their study time.
The worksheets are a valuable addition to any PE teacher’s toolkit, providing an effective way to help your students achieve their potential. With these high-quality worksheets, you can be confident that you’re giving your students the best possible chance of success.
Don’t let your students struggle through their revision alone - give them the support they need with these AQA GCSE PE worksheets.
Buy now and start empowering your students to achieve their best!!
“A desirable difficulty (first coined by Robert A. Bjork in 1994) is a learning task that requires a considerable but desirable amount of effort, thereby improving long-term performance. As the name suggests, desirable difficulties should be both desirable and difficult.”
“When planning lessons, we should not worry about students getting stuck, we should worry about them not getting stuck.” Sherwood (2018)
“Making learning too easy leads to thinking that learning has occurred when participants quickly forget and cannot actually apply. Deeper processing is critical”. Shank (2017)
These desirable difficulties have been thoughtfully designed in order to challenge your students to go beyond a superficial understanding of the concepts involved in the cardiovascular system.
Challenge your students and ask them to explain why certain statements are true and to elaborate on other statements. This will be difficult and will require them to think hard and construct deeper understanding of the concepts. This is good, because “when learning is easy it is often superficial and soon forgotten. However when the learning is difficult it makes the learning stronger and better remembered.” Brown (2014)
What’s in this resource?
25 desirable difficulties concerning the cardiovascular system on MS PowerPoint
Random generator on MS PowerPoint, enabling you and your students to select any of the desirable difficulties at random - perfect for starter and review activities and for spaced and retrieval practice
Printable PDF of the 25 desirable difficulties to display in class and use as extension tasks
Printable worksheet of the 25 desirable difficulties for students to work on individually
AQA GCSE PE: Revision Worksheets - Movement Analysis
Calling all PE teachers! Do you want to help your students achieve their best in the AQA GCSE PE exams? Look no further than these AQA GCSE PE worksheets!
The worksheets are specifically designed to support your students in their revision journey, providing a focused and structured approach to studying each topic in the AQA GCSE PE specification. With a worksheet for every topic, you can be confident that your students will have all the information they need to succeed.
Each worksheet tells your students exactly what they need to know and revise, ensuring that they are fully prepared for their exams. With these revision worksheets, you’ll be able to help your students streamline their revision process and make the most of their study time.
The worksheets are a valuable addition to any PE teacher’s toolkit, providing an effective way to help your students achieve their potential. With these high-quality worksheets, you can be confident that you’re giving your students the best possible chance of success.
Don’t let your students struggle through their revision alone - give them the support they need with these AQA GCSE PE worksheets.
Buy now and start empowering your students to achieve their best!!